Research & Resources

Mindset Matters: Encouraging an Entrepreneurial Mindset in K-12 Curriculum

Dr. Andrew Gemino, Bill Roche, Dr. Sarah Lubik

It is widely believed that empowering young people with an entrepreneurial mindset is the key to developing more entrepreneurial behaviour and preparing youth to flourish in our emerging economy. However, little data exists to show if entrepreneurial education actually leads to a more entrepreneurial mindset. This study examines the impact of PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs (PYE), a 6-week educational program offered to students from grades 4 through 8.


The PowerPlay Entrepreneurial Program in New Brunswick, Canada: Qualitative Findings on Implementation Progress and Impacts on Students

Steven M. Ross, PhD, Jane Eisinger, MS, Mary J. Laurenzano, MLA, Maria D. Zoccola, MA, Joseph M. Reilly, EdD

The present evaluation study was conducted by the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University to examine qualitatively the Young PowerPlay Leaders (YPL) project with regard to (a) implementation activities and fidelity; (b) program impacts on student engagement, self-efficacy, school attendance, and academic achievement; and (c) program experiences and perceptions of effectiveness by students, teachers, and administrators


Lighting the Spark, Nurturing the Flame

Simeon J. Brodsky

This report attempts to draw out some of the key components of PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs (and YECan’s related activities) and its impact to shine a light on how PowerPlay acts both as a catalyst and a keystone to changes in student thoughts and behavior and ultimately school and community culture. The report also looks at possible next steps for YE-Can and its efforts to instill the entrepreneurial spirit in the next generation of Canadians and to make schools more engaging, more rigorous, and more relevant to a broader range of students.

Independent Researcher